A JUC Sukkot

Last night (Friday evening) we had JUC Coffeehouse, drinking some good beverages (I had a yummy hot cocoa). We also had performance: people singing or reading. I decided to write a poem and read it, which was well received. There’s some inside jokes here, but I think you’ll be able to appreciate it nonetheless.

‘Twas a night during Sukkot, when all through the Land
All the people were stirring, from the small to the grand!
The sukkah was built rock solid with care,
In hopes that Elijah soon would be there.

The students were active far from their beds,
While books and papers spun in their heads.
Some in the library, and some in the lounge,
Still others the dining hall just hanging around.

When out by the gate there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my book to see what was the matter.
Away to the stairs I flew like a flash,
Falling down once but back up in a dash.

At the entrance the full moon was shining so bright
Gleaming on Cenomanian limestone that night.
When, who to my wondering eyes should appear,
But Dr. Wright and Aubrey in their hiking gear.

With blue books in hand, so lively and quick,
Their maps were all out; I knew the shtick.
More rapid than Bedouin merchants they came,
And shouted “Yella!” and called us by name!

“Now Ryan! now, Sarah! now, Hannah and Tori!
On, David! On, Andrew! on, Ashley and Lori!
Come one, come all, come down to the lawn!
And please don’t be late, Chandler and Shawn.”

Slowly we flocked to the back garden to see
How the sukkah was decorated to everyone’s glee.
So into the sukkah each student flew
Trailed by Lucky, Mr. Orange, and Dopy, too.

It became very crowded I must certainly say,
But with us all gathered we started to pray:
“Lord, send us rain on this dry, weary land
For without Your provision, who in Israel can stand?”

We finished our prayer and surveyed our snacks:
Mandy and Justin had made cookies in stacks!
Aroma’s ice-cream and coffee were without end.
You know that a Magnum Bar is everyone’s friend.

Atta brought baklava pleasing Verity and Nicole
Todd brought a large batch of his cinnamon rolls.
Jacob’s pizza came to round it all out.
Everyone would be hyper tonight, no doubt.

I grabbed cookies and ice-cream and grew a great grin
But as I took my first bite, a reflective mood settled in.
“How blessed we are,” I said, starting a speech,
“To be in Israel today celebrating this feast.

“Of this week God told us, ‘Rejoice!’ and we are!
The Israelites dwelled in booths while journeying so far.
We also remember God dwelling with man
For without our Messiah, what would be our plan?

“With that all in mind I offer a toast!”
And I lifted some bread to our illustrious host.
I completed my speech with that silly pun.
Lori groaned, though Dr. Curtis thought it was fun.

In time we departed and went back to our tasks,
In this night, however, we always would bask.
We exclaimed to each other while leaving in droves,
“Chag Sameach to all and to all a lailah tov!”

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