The Two Ways

for the Lord knows the way of the righteous,but the way of the wicked will perish. Psalm 1:6 We have been in a series on Psalm 1. The Psalm ends by contrasting two ways, urging us to evaluate which one we are on. The Way of Life The Hebrew word “derek,” translated as “way,” is a pivotal term in Psalm 1, appearing three times throughout the chapter. While it can refer to a physical path, its deeper significance lies in the metaphorical realm. We witness its metaphorical power when Jethro advises Moses on the journey to Mount Sinai. Observing Moses […]

Justice and Righteousness

Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; Psalm 1:5 We have been exploring the gateway to the Psalms: Psalm 1. So far we have read that while the one who delights in God’s instructions is like a thriving tree, the wicked are like wind-blown chaff. The Psalmist continues this comparison in verse 5. The Righteous Versus the Wicked So far we have only described the person who delights in the Lord. This person has been contrasted to the wicked ones (Hebrew rashim) but has otherwise remained unnamed. In this verse, we […]

The Wicked are Like Chaff

The wicked are not so,but are like chaff that the wind drives away. Psalm 1:4 In Psalm 1:4, the Psalmist shifts our attention away from the fruitful righteous to the opposite end of the spectrum: the wicked. By invoking the metaphor of chaff and wind, the verse illustrates the vastly different outcomes that await those who choose their paths in life. The Imagery of Chaff In ancient agricultural practices, after the grain is harvested, it is taken to a threshing floor and separated from the chaff. The process involves breaking the grain apart with a threshing sledge and then winnowing […]

What is True Prosperity?

We have been unpacking the rich imagery of Psalm 1. Verse three compares the righteous person to a flourishing tree. Its final line says, “In all that he does, he prospers.” Does this guarantee uninterrupted success or a trouble-free life for those who obey God? What does the Bible mean when it talks about prosperity? Seeking Success The Hebrew word for prosper is צלח (tzalakh). This verb occurs 65 times in the Hebrew Bible. A consistent theme emerges throughout its usage: God is the ultimate cause of prosperity or the lack thereof. We see examples of this in the lives […]

The Fruits of the Bible and Our Lives

He is like a treeplanted by streams of waterthat yields its fruit in its season,and its leaf does not wither.In all that he does, he prospers. Psalm 1:3 We have been stepping through the imagery of Psalm 1, where the blessed righteous individual is compared to a well-watered tree, drawing nourishment from the living waters of God’s instruction. However, we must recognize that being firmly planted is not the end result. An inherent expectation exists to bear fruit and generously pass on that blessing to others. The Joys of Fruit This summer, I have been fortunate enough to enjoy the […]

Planted By Nourishing Streams Of Water

He is like a treeplanted by streams of waterthat yields its fruit in its season,and its leaf does not wither.In all that he does, he prospers. Psalm 1:3 Psalm 1 sets the stage by highlighting the blessings bestowed upon those who delight in and meditate on God’s instructions, rather than following after the ways of the wicked. In verse three, the Psalmist compares such a person to a verdant tree planted by streams of water. By understanding this imagery, we can gain insights into the importance of our choices for spiritual nourishment. Purposeful Planting The word “planted” (שָׁת֪וּל, shatal) in […]

The Path to Blessings: Delighting in God’s Commandments

Psalm 1 paints a vivid picture of the blessings that come to those who do not follow the ways of the wicked. However, it is not merely about avoiding the wrong path; it requires intentional action in the opposite direction. The key to receiving these blessings lies in delighting in God’s instructions, his Torah. By actively seeking and meditating on his commandments day and night, we open ourselves to the abundant blessings and favor that flow from a deep reverence for the Lord. Delight Delighting in God’s instructions goes beyond mere compliance; it involves finding joy, fulfillment, and purpose in […]

Choosing Wise Company: The Power of Relationships

It is often said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. The company we keep holds great significance. While God calls us to be lights, solely immersing ourselves in this world risks the darkness extinguishing our light. Psalm 1 eloquently highlights the importance of the relationships we cultivate, opening with three parallel images of spending time with the world. Three Bad Influences The first image warns us against walking in the advice (or counsel or plans) of the wicked. In biblical language, “walking” (Hebrew halak) symbolizes how one lives their life. For […]

What Does It Mean to Be Blessed?

Psalm 1 opens by declaring that the one who follows the Lord is called “blessed” (v. 1). What does that mean? The idea of blessing and cursing permeates the Biblical pages. However, this is a different word than we find in most places. Hebrew happiness The Hebrew word in Psalm 1 is אַשְׁרֵי (ashrei). It appears 44 times in the Hebrew text, mostly in Psalms and Proverbs. It forms the basis for the name and tribe Asher, who was born to Leah’s servant Bilhah: “And Leah said, ‘Happy am I (b’ashri – in happiness am I)! For women have called […]

What are Psalms?

Welcome to the beginning of an exciting new series! In this series, we will be delving into the profound beauty of Psalm 1. However, before we delve into its intricate details, let’s take a moment to understand the Psalms as a whole. What are Psalms? Have you ever heard the term “Psalms” outside the context of the Bible? Have you ever considered this term outside of its biblical context? The English name “Psalms” originates from the Greek word “psalmoi,” which translates the Hebrew word “mizmor” (as seen in the title of Psalm 23 among others). “Psalmoi” derives from “psalmos,” which […]