Rejoice, Rewind!

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12

Today is the eighth day of Sukkot, marking the end of a week of celebrations. Jerusalem has been busy with extra people visiting the city for the holiday. The eighth day is known as Simchat Torah or The Rejoicing of the Torah. On this day, people around the world pull out the Torah Scrolls and dance around them with, celebrating God’s revelation through his word. I wonder why Christians don’t do something like this. When was the last time you saw someone rejoicing and dancing because they had a Bible? On this day, the scrolls are also rewound, finishing Deuteronomy and going back to the beginning of Genesis, starting a new year of reading through the Torah.

The sun has set and Simchat Torah has begun at the Western Wall!

Going to the Western Wall (both last night and this morning), I saw people carrying the scrolls and dancing in a circle while singing. They were gathered around reading them. As scrolls would pass by, people would kiss them. On my way back to JUC this morning I ran into a group of guys probably in their late teens to early twenties in Hurva Square with two Torah Scrolls, dancing and singing. I was invited to join in, but regrettably couldn’t bring myself to do it. I did stay around for over ten minutes, clapping with them sometimes and then beginning to follow them as they started marching down the street. A festive mood is certainly in the air. It is good that God’s word is still with us.

Men with Torah Scrolls at the Western Wall
Young men in Hurva Square singing and dancing.
Note the synagogue on the right with its sukkah in front.
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