
Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD
    will renew their strength.
  They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:30-31

When troubleshooting computer problems, one of the common questions is, “Have you rebooted it?” It’s amazing how many problems can be solved by a simple reboot. I think my life needs that every so often. Just as things on a computer can get out a whack and a simple reboot can put it back in line, in the same way, life without rest and renewal gets out of whack and needs to be reset.

I just returned from vacation, having traveled to northern Oregon and southern Washington in the Pacific Northwest. I had never been there before and enjoyed this beautiful part of the country. As I continue to look for more imagery to bring the Bible to life, I decided a few lessons from this trip are called for, which will be covered over the next several posts.

At least a month before departure, with the vacation partly planned, I felt like I already needed a vacation. Life was beginning to feel overwhelming. Little things were starting to bother me in bigger ways than they should. I just needed to get away.

From the Pacific coast at Ecola State Park…
… to mountains like Mt. Hood

My time last fall in Israel was a major reboot, providing perspective for my life. When I get away, it makes me better recognize what is really important in my life. What do I really miss while I’m gone? What seemingly important things don’t feel like such a big deal anymore? What have I forgotten that I enjoy that some time off gives me the chance to do?

One of the highlights of my time away was visiting some friends. They restarted a church in Corvallis earlier this year. A few years ago the church meeting there died and shut its doors. My friend finished seminary a few years ago and felt called to replant that church. They called it Re:new Church. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work in that community as they endeavor to be salt and light to the city of Corvallis.

Life needs renewal. Habitual patterns need to be broken and new ones created. Ultimately God wants to renew us if we let him. We live in a broken world, but he will ultimately renew it and make everything right.

Posted in Other.

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