Around the Lake

Let the sea resound, and everything in it,
    the world, and all who live in it.

Psalm 98:7

I’ve spent some time around the Sea of Galilee the last few days. It has allowed me to see the lake from several angles. The lake is about 700 feet below sea level, nestled in the Rift Valley with hills going up it on most sides.

Sea of Galilee from the east at the Peace Vista
Sea of Galilee from the north
Sea of Galilee from the west on top of the Cliffs of Arbel (from 2005)

The Sea of Galilee is also a major source of Israel’s water supply today. Because of drought conditions, the lake has been dropping, but the last couple winters it has risen a couple meters! You can follow its depth at Kinneret Bot (Lake Kinneret is another name for the Sea of Galilee). I enjoyed comparing the water level from when I was last there.

The shore at St. Peter’s Primacy (northern shore) in November 2011
The shore again in May 2013
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