Guided Tour Map

This is what the LORD says:
  “Stand at the crossroads and look;
    ask for the ancient paths,
  ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
    and you will find rest for your souls.
    But you said, `We will not walk in it.'”

Jeremiah 6:16

I’ve created a new map below of my latest trek around Israel. It’s easy to read the Bible and forget that these places are real. Going there a few times has opened my eyes to the geography of the country. How do different cities interact? How did people get from place to place? They are more than just dots on a map; they are places people lived (and continue to live).

View Israel 2013 in a larger map with locations listed in order with short descriptions.

We had a GPS with us, guiding us around the country. It overall did a good job of getting us where we needed to go. As nice as a GPS can be, an experienced traveler in Israel is no substitute. If you already know the roads, you don’t need the GPS telling you where to go. That’s the advantage of having a tour guide with a bus taking you around. I’d been used to hopping on a bus and magically appearing at a site. This time we had to think about where we were going, giving me a better understanding of the lay of the land.

Even better than a tour guide, the Holy Spirit guides us through life if we let him. If we listen to God’s still, soft voice, he will get us where we need to go. The road won’t necessarily be easy and it may not be where we always want to go, but we need to trust that he knows best!

Our digital guide
Posted in Travel.

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