Huleh Valley

Directly north of the Sea of Galilee is the Huleh Basin. The Jordan River starts at places like Dan and Banias and flows here on its way to the Sea of Galilee. However, it runs into a problem. Immediately north of the lake is the Rosh Pina Sill, which partially blocks the water from its route, making it back up in the basin to form swampland. It was an important resting place for migrating birds traveling between Europe and Africa. The ancient roads wouldn’t have gone through this area. Instead they would have gone on either the west or east sides.

After the establishment of the State of Israel, the swamps here were drained for agricultural development. However, they did leave a small area which became the nature reserve today. More recently restoration efforts are underway.

There is a paved trail and boardwalk to walk on to enjoy this park. Although of little historical interest, it’s a great place for watching wildlife, like birds and fish.

What is out there?
Someone is hiding!
Can you guess why this isn’t a natural highway?
I think this African catfish is smiling!
Swamp turtles chilling out
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