A Door to the Sea

But Manasseh did not drive out the people of Beth Shan or Taanach or Dor or Ibleam or Megiddo and their surrounding settlements, for the Canaanites were determined to live in that land.

Judges 1:27

Nestled tightly between Mount Carmel and the Mediterranean lies the ancient port and coastal city of Dor. While the main road juts inland to join the Jezreel Valley on the east side of Mount Carmel, Dor and the region around it were more isolated. A small natural harbor offered a connection to the sea.

Accessible via a public beach, the tell is a short walk north. This isn’t the usual tourist site. Lacking explanations, the site is rather hard to interpret. Nevertheless, it was still a fun place to hike around.

Looking south at the ancient harbor to the left. The landscape has changed dramatically. Originally the ridge connected to the far side and the far sandy area connecting the ridge to the mainland wasn’t there.
Three boat slips for repairing boats as long as 20m
Looking north on the tell
I’ve seen scads of seashells on the seashore before, but not usually mixed with potsherds like here
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