
This is what the LORD says:
  “Stand at the crossroads and look;
    ask for the ancient paths,
  ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
    and you will find rest for your souls.
    But you said, `We will not walk in it.’

Jeremiah 6:16

I’ve been taking my jolly time for almost a year now documenting most of the places I traveled to in Israel last May. I didn’t intend on taking this long, but that’s what happened. While there’s plenty more to write about, this is the last that specifically addresses that trip. Our last stop was the ancient site of Gezer.

Gezer is a less-visited National Park. Getting there involves driving on some dirt roads surrounded by farms. Situated on the border of the shepelah (lowlands) and the coast plain, it was a little east of the main, international coastal highway that ran north-south. It also guarded an east-west road that led towards Jerusalem, which placed it at the crossroads of much ancient traffic. Atop the tell, a commanding 360 degree view of the area is available. No army could pass by Gezer undetected.

There’s a decent amount to see at the site. Solomon fortified the city. The Egyptians before him had a presence there. The Canaanites living there erected large standing stones at a cultic site. There’s even a water system to see.

Gezer’s claim to fame is its large standing stones
Solomonic gate and casemate wall
A shepherd with his sheep roaming Tel Gezer

With the sun nearing the horizon, our trip was at an end. We drove to the airport for an overnight flight home. It had been quite the adventure, just the two of us driving from place to place. I appreciate what tours offer: everything is planned for you with explanations by an experienced guide. However, doing a trip on your own brings great flexibility and less overhead than moving a large group. God has blessed me with great opportunities to travel to where the Bible happened. And the next trip is just around the corner so stayed tuned….

The sun setting on our trip

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