Long Journeys

It was our last long driving day. Given that we didn’t get to our hotel until 8:30, this will be briefer than usual.

We started briefly at the museum at Konya, which has three inscriptions that helped identify Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe.

Exploring the sacred area of the temple to Augustus in Pisidian Antioch

We drove to ancient Pisidian Antioch, which was a sizable Roman colony when the apostle Paul visited it in Acts 13. After seeing the site, we stopped at the local museum, which has a stone with an inscription on it that mentions a Sergius Paulus, perhaps a relative of the man Paul interacted with on Cyprus.

The aqueduct that brought water to Pisidian Antioch

The rest of our day involved a long drive south to Antalya. It was certainly beautiful scenery! I’m beginning to better understand Paul’s long travels from city to city. With a bus on a modern road, it takes a few hours to get from place to place. Imagine Paul walking through the mountain roads for hundreds of miles to spread the Good News about Jesus. That’s dedication!

One of many beautiful scenes on the drive today
Over 260 miles driven today over the course of 8 hours (11.5 hours with stops)

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