Mediterranean Port

We were thankful to have little time on the bus after so many long drives. Our first stop was the ancient city of Perga. Perga was one of the cities the apostle Paul passed through on his first missionary tour. Although only briefly mentioned (Acts 13:13, 14:25), it is an impressive place to see. From the gates to the baths to the streets, it is a model Greco-Roman city.

The Greek gate towers at Perga
Overlooking the main street of ancient Perga

The rest of our day was spent around Antalya, where our hotel is located. Antalya is a large city on the Mediterranean. The harbor dates back to Roman times, which the apostle Paul sailed from (Acts 14:25 – Attalia). The emperor Hadrian had a gate built in the city, which is still standing. Additionally, there’s an excellent museum in the city.

Hadrian’s Gate in Antalya
One of many amazing ancient works of art at the museum – a woman dancing

Having finished the museum, the bus dropped some of us off near the shore, where we wandered around before walking back to the hotel, which was well-positioned nearby.

Overlooking the ancient harbor at Antalya
Only 40 miles of driving today – to Perga and around Antalya
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