
Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people.

Matthew 4:23

Located in the remote hills of upper Galilee are the remains of a synagogue at the ancient town of Kefar Baram. Constructed around the third century, the synagogue remained in use for centuries. The word ‘synagogue’ actually comes from Greek. In Hebrew it is beit kenesset, which means ‘house of assembly’.

While built centuries after Jesus, the synagogue gives an idea of where he went to teach. He grew up regularly attending the synagogue on the Sabbath and going to school there during the week. It was where the community’s scrolls were kept (no one owned their own copy of the Scriptures). The synagogue was the center of community life.

The synagogue at Baram
Mt. Hermon is visible in the distance between the trees.
A 19th century Maronite church at the site. I’m guessing the satellite dish was added later.
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