Join the Dance

There, in the presence of the Lord your God, you and your families shall eat and shall rejoice in everything you have put your hand to, because the Lord your God has blessed you.

Deuteronomy 12:7

As Sukkot wraps up, the festival of Simchat Torah (The Rejoicing of the Torah) occurs. I still freshly remember witnessing it in Jerusalem four years ago. The Torah scrolls were out. People were dancing in the streets with them and singing. What a joyous occasion! I don’t remember ever being in a Christian church seeing people nearly as excited about having a Bible.

As I wandered along the streets, I stopped to watch a group of young men, probably high school or college age, singing and dancing. As I watched, one motioned for me to join in. I didn’t, but I wish I had.

Christians by and large ignore the festivals. We are more aware of secular holidays than the ones found in the pages of the Bible. We count down the days until Christmas but we forget the days Jesus celebrated. It’s not that Gentiles are required to observe them. However, we are invited to join in, much like I was on that street in Jerusalem. They remind us of the ways God has worked in the past and how he will work in the future. From Jesus dying as our Passover Lamb to his return at the last trumpet, these serve as annual reminders of his gracious love.

What about you? Will you join in the dance?

Dancing with the scrolls
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