An Early Spring

I began this blog 6.5 years ago because I was attending Jerusalem University College (JUC). It’s a small American Christian school situated on Mount Zion just outside the Old City of Jerusalem. Ever since I attended a short-term program at JUC in 2005, I fell in love with the land and the school. A short-term trip was no longer good enough. Thus I took a leave of absence from work and spent the fall semester of 2011 studying the ancient world of the Bible at JUC. That should be enough, right? Not quite. I heard how the spring semester is different. There are different classes with more to learn and see! Thus the seed was planted to return for a spring semester.

Spring has arrived.

Various people asked before I left if I was excited. In the days leading up, I was too busy packing and preparing, filling me with a messy jumble of emotions. As I hopped on the plane, the excitement finally floated to the top.

I’ve been back in Jerusalem for almost a week. Classes have begun. It’s a little weird being back. On the one hand, it’s been awhile, and I need to readjust. On the other hand, I feel like I’m basically picking up where I left off. I’m ready to learn more!

I’m back!
A wonderful, sunny day looking across the Hinnom Valley at JUC with goats grazing below
Reading homework outside – I’ll take this any January!
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