A Walk Around Jerusalem

In between classes, reading, studying, and more around campus, I’m making a deliberate effort to head out and explore the city. At home I normally go for a walk each day, so this is really an extension of that habit, but it’s more fun. I have a typical route at home I walk after work each day (unless it’s cold and snowy, in which I’m inside on my treadmill). I keep trying to find new places to walk here. Sometimes I’m with others; sometimes I’m alone. In past trips, my wanderings have been almost exclusively in or near the Old City, but I’m branching out into other areas. Here’s a random sampling of what I’ve seen in the last two weeks.

A column north of the Old City destined for Herod’s Temple, except it broke so there it lay 2000 years later.
The Golden Gate, the (shut) eastern gate to the Temple Mount.
Ho Ho Holy Land Jerusalem! (Santa uses camels, not reindeer, here)
A random bus stop with books to share.
They turned the old Jerusalem train station into an outdoor mall and the tracks into a walking/biking path.
Another day walking by the Old City wall, except this time with someone standing precariously on top.
The Montefiore Windmill, visible from campus, originally built in 1857.
Need I say more?

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