In the Classroom

Just like my last semester here, I’m taking a full load of classes. The goal is to learn more but this time I’ll have a 1-year graduate certificate saying I accomplished something. Visit here for what I took last time. I have the same professors as before. Here are the classes I’m taking:

  • Cultural Backgrounds of the Bible looks at the culture of the Bible (hence the name). How did these ancient people view the world? At the end of the semester we will go to Jordan for a few days and spend some of that time living with the Bedouin. It will be intense!
  • History of the Second Temple Period covers the broader historical world of the Bible from the exile to Babylon (~600 BC) to the Jewish revolts (~AD 150). (This continues History of Ancient Israel)
  • Jewish Thought and Practice looks at modern Jewish beliefs and practices and how it has developed over the ages. We will be attending a synagogue service as part of this.
  • The Parables of Jesus and Rabbinic Meshalim looks at some of the parables that Jesus taught along with the thousands of parables that other rabbis taught.
  • Archaeology II is a continuation of my first archaeology class, starting around 600 BC and going forward to…well, however far we get. It’s taught by archaeologist Dr. Gabi Barkay, head of the Temple Mount Sifting Project.
All is quiet when class isn’t in session. Given the small number of students, we’re in a small room.
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