Life Isn’t Fair

I looked at the weather forecast back home: 20 degrees and snow. I was grabbing my earbuds to go for a walk around Jerusalem. With the sun shining on a wonderful 70 degree day, I set off. I passed the Old City wall. I decided to find a new street, ending up at a park which contains some 3rd-7th century tombs which had been converted to cisterns 1300 years ago. I made my way back eventually, grabbing some books to read for class. I settled in a cozy chair out in the JUC gardens with the warm sun smiling on me.

That’s not to say life here is perfect. but I am reminded how God has blessed me to be here. I don’t always see it. I need to be reminded of the multitude of blessings he bestows upon me, whether the day is good or bad.

I don’t deserve to be here. Life isn’t fair.

That’s not to say life here is perfect. but I am reminded how God has blessed me to be here. I don’t always see it. I need to be reminded of the multitude of blessings he bestows upon me, whether the day is good or bad.

Tombs/cisterns in West Jerusalem, surrounded by green!
Cold and snowy back home. I’m not missing it!
Posted in Travel.

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