Seasonal Differences

I’m participating in some of the Physical Settings field studies again. I enjoy visiting these places over and over. It’s a good review. I don’t want to merely repeat what I previously wrote, so you can read about the last time I did this field study with JUC here. I just want to focus on one takeaway in this post.

The key difference from last time is how the landscape is different in spring versus fall. Israel doesn’t get any rain over the summer so the terrain gets quite brown. On Mount Scopus (the northern end of the Mount of Olives where Hebrew University sits), we looked toward the east. Annual rainfall quickly drops off as you journey to the east. Compare the seasonal difference:

September, 2011 – looks pretty brown!
Lush and green in February 2018! Notice the green fading the farther east you go.

In the same way, there are seasons in life. Although not as predictable as the annual calendar, there are times of dry and times of plenty. Remember that whatever the season, God is still in control.

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