Jeremiah 10

No Sense

There’s a word repeated three times in this chapter that rarely occurs elsewhere in the Bible: “senseless” (NIV) or “stupid” (ESV). (See Jeremiah 10:8, 14, 21) This Hebrew verb (בער) can be translated in its noun form as cattle or livestock (ex: Number 20:4). I interpret this to mean that it describes how these animals act. “You’re acting like a dumb animal!” doesn’t sound like a compliment.

Jeremiah compares idols to “a scarecrow in a cucumber patch” (Jeremiah 10:5). They can’t walk or talk or do anything. Is that worth dedicating one’s allegiance? Wouldn’t it make more sense to worship the living God? This is what Jeremiah is saying is so stupid.

We all mess up. We all need correction. Jeremiah’s request near the end of the chapter sounds like a wise prayer.

Discipline me, Lord, but only in due measure—
    not in your anger,
    or you will reduce me to nothing.

Jeremiah 10:24

To Ponder…

  • What are you worshiping instead of the living God?
  • Will you accept the Lord’s discipline?
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