Jeremiah 15

Trust Issues

15 Lord, you understand;
    remember me and care for me.
    Avenge me on my persecutors.
You are long-suffering—do not take me away;
    think of how I suffer reproach for your sake.
16 When your words came, I ate them;
    they were my joy and my heart’s delight,
for I bear your name,
    Lord God Almighty.
17 I never sat in the company of revelers,
    never made merry with them;
I sat alone because your hand was on me
    and you had filled me with indignation.
18 Why is my pain unending
    and my wound grievous and incurable?
You are to me like a deceptive brook
    like a spring that fails.

Jeremiah 15:15-18

Have you ever felt like God cannot be trusted? It seems like Jeremiah felt that way at times, too, as attested in this portion. He’s been proclaiming God’s message to the people, and he’s experienced nothing but trouble. If obedience yields trouble, then why bother?

Jeremiah was willing to be honest with the Lord about his doubts and troubles. He didn’t lie, saying, “I trust you” when he didn’t. I think God can handle our honesty. We don’t need to sugarcoat how we’re feeling. We don’t need to pretend everything’s fine. We can bring our doubts to him. But we should also be ready to listen for a response, too. How does he respond to Jeremiah’s gripe?

19 Therefore this is what the Lord says:
“If you repent, I will restore you
    that you may serve me;
if you utter worthy, not worthless, words,
    you will be my spokesman.
Let this people turn to you,
    but you must not turn to them.
20 I will make you a wall to this people,
    a fortified wall of bronze;
they will fight against you
    but will not overcome you,
for I am with you
    to rescue and save you,”
declares the Lord.

Jeremiah 15:19-20

The Lord accepted Jeremiah despite his lack of trust and called him to come back and keep going, promising to save him. That doesn’t mean it would get easier – far from it! He compared Jeremiah to an assaulted wall. His solution wasn’t to stop the attack. Instead, he would strengthen and fortify the wall so it would stand strong.

To Ponder…

  • Are you open and honest with the Lord?
  • Sometimes God fixes bad circumstances and sometimes he gives us the strength to endure them. Are you willing to accept either?

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