The End of the Egypt Excursion

I’ve certainly taken my time writing about my trip to Egypt! It’s time to wrap it up, considering it was about 10 months ago now.

After our few days around Luxor, we hopped on a short flight back to Cairo to spend our last day. We stopped at the bazaar for an hour. We wandered around, taking in the mixture of sights.

The Nile from the air
I’ve always found bazaars to be quite…bizarre

We went to bed early that night because we had an early morning flight to London, where we would spend the next couple days, mostly taking in the British Museum with all its Bible-related artifacts (including a large collection from Egypt) and more. Along the Thames, there’s an obelisk made ~1450 BC for the Karnak temple. The Seleucids moved from there over 2000 years ago to Alexandria which the British found it over a century ago, packing it aboard a ship and bringing it to London. Ancient Egypt continues to capture our attention even to this day.

The Egyptian hall in the British Museum
An obelisk made for Thutmose III, (c. 15th century BC) today sitting along the Thames River in London, lovingly known today as “Cleopatra’s Needle”.

Posted in Travel.

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