The “Fourteenth” of Christmas

Nativity star
The Church of Nativity’s star

This traditional place for Jesus’ birth is marked with a silver fourteen-pointed star. Why fourteen? It is for the three lists of fourteen ancestors in Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew 1.

The birth stories of Jesus are favorites, especially with the magi, the shepherds, and the baby in the manger, but few of us would say we enjoy this long list of names.

However, to much of the Eastern part of our world, what to us is a boring list of names is actually extremely important and interesting. An organization that distributes audio Bibles reports that one out of three people hearing the Bible for the first time said the most influential part that led to trusting Jesus was his genealogy! They want to hear what he taught after being so impressed with his family background!

Easterners describe how one’s identity is from one’s family history, not one’s education or job. My Ugandan friend Milly reports that her family tree can be proudly recited back five or more generations through various branches.

Easterners are amazed that Jesus’ family tree in Matthew goes all the way back to Abraham and in Luke all the way back to Adam! They are impressed with his link to the renowned Abraham and being in the royal line of David. This is why Matthew begins his account in this way, to say who Jesus is, the promised king in the line of David, the Messiah who came to redeem the world.

Each person needs to consider who they believe Jesus is. Some say that Jesus was just a good moral teacher. However, he declared himself divine, so then he was delusional or a liar, not someone we’d call good. The only logical conclusion is Jesus is who he said he was. Lives changed by submitting to his kingship confirm his identity.

Joy to the world – let earth receive her King!

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