Would you be able to tell the difference between a counterfeit $100 bill and the real thing? Are you aware of the counterfeit claims of the world’s most powerful leader of the time when Jesus was born?
The Christmas story in Luke begins “In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered.” (Luke 2:1) This is a reminder of who was ruling Judea and the world around it when Jesus was born. Caesar Augustus was the first Roman emperor and the founder of the Roman Empire – sounds pretty important. Is he the real ruler of their world?
A Counterfeit King
A fascinating ancient inscription about Caesar dates to 9 BC, a few years before Christ was born. Its name, The Priene Inscription, identifies where two copies were found outside of Ephesus in Turkey.

The inscription declares Caesar Augustus, referred to as “god”, to have the following attributes and achievements:
- He ordered all things to the benefit of mankind.
- He is a savior of the people.
- He made wars to cease, to usher in an age of Roman peace.
- He brought euangelion (“good news” or “gospel”) to the world. (For more on the Romans’ “fake news”, see my prior post and another on the true good news prophesied by Isaiah)
- His birthday announced the start of a new calendar year (including where we get our month “August”).
When Augustus’ predecessor, his adoptive father Julius Caesar, died, there were claims of miraculous signs. Interpreting this as Julius being deified, Augustus claimed himself also “god” as the “son of god”.
Christ the True King
We Christians, however, regard King Jesus as the true ruler of this world. We are in the week between celebrating the birth of our Savior and King and the new year. Compare the things attributed to Caesar above with truths we know of our King:
- Jesus is the Creator of all (Colossians 1:16: “by him all things were created”).
- Jesus is the Savior, for us and our descendants (Luke 2:11: “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”).
- Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; …and his name shall be called …Prince of Peace.”).
- Jesus came announcing the Gospel of the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-15 and many more).
- Jesus’ birth inaugurates a new era of time in our calendar, separating BC (“Before Christ”) and AD (“Anno Domini”, meaning “In the Year of Our Lord”).
When Jesus was miraculously born, a star shown to proclaim the King’s birth that non-Jewish sages recognized (Matthew 2:2). And when Jesus was crucified, there were more miraculous signs, interpreted by a Roman that Jesus was the real “Son of God” (Matthew 27:54).
Discernment Against the Diabolical Disguised Deceiver
Satan is a deceiver, disguising himself as an “angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). He was deceiving the world long before Jesus was born, at the time of our Savior’s birth, and continues today. What lies do we trust in, such as politics, finances, and other worldly ways, that promise platitudes of peace and prosperity but will never truly satisfy?
Jesus’ kingdom might not look like the kingdoms of this world, but He doesn’t rule like Caesar. He rules above all the alluring phonies, as the “King of Kings” and “Lord of Lords” (Revelation 19:16). Worship and submit to Him throughout the new year.
Don’t trust counterfeits. The best way to identify a counterfeit is to diligently know the real thing. Jesus is the only true source of life, joy, peace, and more. May you grow to be more like Him throughout the coming new year! Remember that the new year is AD 2025, the Year of our Lord 2025.