Headwaters of the Jordan

“My people have committed two sins:  They have forsaken me,    the spring of living water,  and have dug their own cisterns,    broken cisterns that cannot hold water.” Jeremiah 2:13 The Jordan River is the most famous river in the Bible. It begins in the north near snow-capped Mount Hermon, the tallest mountain in the country. There are three main sources, of which we visited two. The western source is at the ancient site of Dan, the northern-most city of ancient Israel (“from Dan to Beersheba”). While the day before we had begun at the desolate, dry Dead Sea, we were […]

Land Invaders

“Announce in Judah and proclaim in Jerusalem and say:  ‘Sound the trumpet throughout the land!’Cry aloud and say:  ‘Gather together!  Let us flee to the fortified cities!’Raise the signal to go to Zion!  Flee for safety without delay!For I am bringing disaster from the north,  even terrible destruction.” Jeremiah 4:5-6 The third day of our Galilee trip led us north. The Rift Valley runs north and south of the Sea of Galilee. To the north a few miles lies the city of Hazor. This was a major city 3000+ years ago, forming one of the protective barriers of the northern […]