The Church of Nativity's star

The “Fourteenth” of Christmas

This traditional place for Jesus’ birth is marked with a silver fourteen-pointed star. Why fourteen? It is for the three lists of fourteen ancestors in Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew 1. The birth stories of Jesus are favorites, especially with the magi, the shepherds, and the baby in the manger, but few of us would say we enjoy this long list of names. However, to much of the Eastern part of our world, what to us is a boring list of names is actually extremely important and interesting. An organization that distributes audio Bibles reports that one out of three people […]

This Nativity Scene Under Construction

They will rebuild the ancient ruins  and restore the places long devastated;they will renew the ruined cities  that have been devastated for generations. Isaiah 61:4 With Christmas upon us, I’ve been thinking back to my most recent visit to Bethlehem this past February. The Church of the Nativity marks the traditional location of Jesus’ birth. It’s one of the oldest church buildings, having survived where others were destroyed during invasions. Nevertheless, time continues to take its toll on the structure. The church is undergoing a multiyear restoration, set to be completed by December 2019. I can imagine those who visit […]

Moving Mountains

Our next excursion was to Herodian, the mountain that Herod the Great moved. He built it by chopping away at a nearby hill, looking like a volcano with its flat top. Visible from the Mount of Olives, it stands as a testament to the drive of Herod. Who builds a mountain? Because of difficulties of driving a rental car into the West Bank (our rental car company, like most, only cover driving on 2 main highways in the West Bank), we decided it would be easiest to get there via bus. The Egged bus system covers the country. We took […]