Our Identity in a Polarized World

We live in a crazy, polarized world. Politics, socioeconomics, and culture pull us apart. Even in Christian circles, with thousands of sects and denominations, we sometimes live as if it’s us versus them. Why is this? We all want to belong, to be accepted by a group or movement larger than ourselves. To achieve this, we define our identity with the groups we associate with. In this, two forms of idolatry emerge: pride and envy. But God has a better way. Pride: you must become like me If we naturally gravitate towards like-minded people, how do we handle those different […]

Why is Pentecost important for Gentile believers?

Yesterday was Pentecost. Because of its importance, I want to add one more post. We’ve already looked at how it most likely took place at the temple and how Luke tied it into the giving of the Torah. But, both of these are Jewish connections. Is there any special significance for those of us Gentiles (non-Jews)? Reversing Babel In Genesis 11, we read how people try to build a tower to the heavens: The people rebel against God. Each person seeks his own way to the heavens as they desire to make a name for themselves. God comes down in […]