Moving Mountains

Our next excursion was to Herodian, the mountain that Herod the Great moved. He built it by chopping away at a nearby hill, looking like a volcano with its flat top. Visible from the Mount of Olives, it stands as a testament to the drive of Herod. Who builds a mountain? Because of difficulties of driving a rental car into the West Bank (our rental car company, like most, only cover driving on 2 main highways in the West Bank), we decided it would be easiest to get there via bus. The Egged bus system covers the country. We took […]

The Land of the Shepherd

He tends his flock like a shepherd:  He gathers the lambs in his armsand carries them close to his heart;  he gently leads those that have young. Isaiah 40:11 It was a very full and very fun weekend. I am falling in love with this land all over again. I’m hearing old lessons that I thought I understood, yet I am seeing them in a fresh light. If you stand in Jerusalem and look to the east, the Mount of Olives dominates the close, eastern horizon, rising above the city and blocking the view to what lay beyond. What is […]