Along the Spice Route

See, a king will reign in righteousnessand rulers will rule with justice.Each man will be like a shelter from the windand a refuge from the storm,like streams of water in the desertand the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land. Isaiah 32:1-2 I’ve written in the past about the Nabateans. With their capital in Petra, they controlled trade along the spice route south of Judea. Their peak was in the first century BC and first century AD until the Romans incorporated them into the empire. While Petra is the most well-known site, we stopped at another of their […]

Here, There, Everywhere

And a highway will be there;    it will be called the Way of Holiness. Isaiah 35:8a How many things do you own that were made in some far away land? Ships traverse the oceans, trains role along their rails, and trucks trek the interstates. The cargo container was invented half a century ago to aid shipping, mandating a standard size that can be easily loaded onto a large ship, a train, or a truck. About 17 million of these containers exist today! While travel in the ancient world was much harder and longer, trade existed between long distances even then. […]

The City of Rock

For who is God besides the LORD?And who is the Rock except our God? Psalm 18:31 The top tourist site in Jordan is Petra. That’s where we began our third day. Unfortunately we were only there until 1:00. You could easily spend the entire day there because it is so big and there are so many trails to wander on, stretching on and on for miles. Of course, even my short time there was full of long, arduous hikes. A full day would be even more exhausting! For those who don’t want to hike as much, the Bedouin are there […]