Swinging Doors of the Shephelah

When moving from the Mediterranean coast into the hills of Judah (places like Jerusalem and Bethlehem), travelers had several parallel routes to choose from. They were dominated by several valleys in a region called the Shephelah. I want to focus on the three most prominent today. The first, in the north, is the Aijalon Valley, dominated by the cities of Aijalon and Gezer. There was a road from here that led east up to lower and upper Beth Horon, to Gibeon and beyond. This route is mentioned a couple times with the Israelites routing their enemies westward (Joshua 10:12, 1 […]


Then Jeremiah the prophet told all this to Zedekiah king of Judah, in Jerusalem, while the army of the king of Babylon was fighting against Jerusalem and the other cities of Judah that were still holding out–Lachish and Azekah. These were the only fortified cities left in Judah. Jeremish 34:6-7 We continued our journey west, emerging from the hill country to the shephelah, the low foothills. This region is characterized by low, rolling hills and wide valleys. The Sorek valley (mentioned last time) opened up as we crossed the limestone line. Sitting near the border is the ancient site of […]


I will sing for the one I love    a song about his vineyard:  My loved one had a vineyard    on a fertile hillside.He dug it up and cleared it of stones    and planted it with the choicest vines.  He built a watchtower in it    and cut out a winepress as well.  Then he looked for a crop of good grapes,    but it yielded only bad fruit. Isaiah 5:1-2 After three days in and around Jerusalem, we rented a car as planned and headed west. Jerusalem is situated in the hill country, the ancient site laying a little east of the […]