Do you Want to Change the World?

Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want a chance to change the world?

Steve Jobs to John Sculley

Steve Jobs was looking for a new CEO for Apple Computer in 1983 and found John Sculley, the CEO of PepsiCo. Jobs wasn’t ready to take the reigns of Apple himself yet and needed someone to run the company. He found Sculley and wooed him to Apple. Jobs saw what he was doing as world-changing. In many ways, he was right.

Jesus was walking on the shore of the Sea of Galilee and saw some fisherman. He called and they followed, leaving everything and devoting themselves to him as disciples. A disciple is more than a student. A student wants to know what the teacher knows. A disciple wants to be what the rabbi is. To be a disciple of Jesus is to spend your life asking what he would do in any situation and putting that into action. It is a process of being transformed to be like him.

The shore of the Sea of Galilee at Capernaum

When Jesus calls for disciples, it is not a trivial call. It may involve changing everything. Jesus had twelve close disciples. One (Judas) failed. There were others just outside that inner ring. When he ascended to heaven, they numbered about 120. What could 120 insignificant people do against the world? Probably not much. What could 120 people who passionately desired to be like Jesus do through the power of the Holy Spirit? Anything is possible.

Do you want to live a comfy, secure life, or do you want to step out in faith and change the world? What step will you take today to be more like him? How badly do you want it?

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